Pharmacy law, law on pharmaceuticals and medical aids

Pharmacists occupy a special position among healthcare professionals. As independent healthcare professionals and business owners, they are among the most important partners within the healthcare system. On the other hand, when it comes to implementing their system-relevant concerns, they are sometimes subject to difficult-to-understand professional, social and competition law restrictions. Legal advice to pharmacists therefore requires special knowledge of pharmacy and commercial law, its medical law implications, for example with regard to the requirements of the Medicines Act (AMG) and the Therapeutic Products Act (HMG), as well as their commercial concerns, e.g. in relation to the manufacturer. to the wholesaler and, last but not least, to the competitor. Administrative, professional and commercial law peculiarities also play a central role in the transfer of pharmacies. When buying or selling pharmacies and/or branch pharmacies or shares in a pharmacy company, the client therefore requires the special experience of a medical lawyer in addition to advice from his tax advisor.

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