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Dr Bernd H. Schulte

Presiding judge on the Higher Administrative Court of NRW (retired)

Dr Bernd Schulte is a nationally renowned expert in the field of public building law. Before working as a lawyer, he was an administrative judge for 30 years. As the presiding judge of a building division at the Higher Administrative Court of North Rhine-Westphalia, he played a decisive role in shaping case-law in the field of public building law and norm control proceedings in relation to development plans. In addition, Dr Schulte can draw on his wealth of experience from his time as a judge and numerous lectureships in other special areas of administrative law, particularly environmental law and historical landmarks law. He is known as the author of numerous academic publications. He is co-author of the proven loose-leaf commentary Boeddinghaus/Hahn/Schulte on the NRW Building Code and of the zoning law handbook published by Beck-Verlag.

Phone +49 (0) 591 / 91515-80
Fax +49 (0) 591 / 91515-78

Streitbörger PartGmbB
Münsteraner Str. 14a
49809 Lingen

  • Since July 2010: Lawyer, partner at Streitbörger in Bielefeld and since January 2015 also in Lingen (Ems)
  • 2000 to June 2010: Chairman of the 10th Division (building planning and zoning law, historical landmark law) and the 10th Division (building planning law norm control procedures) at the Higher Administrative Court of NRW, Münster
  • 1991- 1999: Member of the Building Land Division at the Higher Regional Court of Düsseldorf (annex)
  • 1990: Transfer to the Higher Administrative Court for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, Münster
  • 1989: Appointment as judge at the Higher Administrative Court of Lüneburg
  • 1988: Delegated to the Higher Administrative Court for the States of Lower Saxony and Schleswig Holstein in Lüneburg
  • 1983 to 1989: Lifetime appointment as judge of the Administrative Court of Oldenburg with chambers in Osnabrück
  • 1983 to 1984: Delegation to the Rural District of Emsland, personal adviser to the district director
  • 1982: Doctor of Law at the Free University of Berlin
  • 1980- 1983: Trial judge at the Hannover Administrative Court, Osnabrück chambers
  • 1975- 1980: Research assistant at the Institute for State, Constitutional and Administrative Law of the Free University (FU) of Berlin, Chair Prof Dr Dieter Wilke
  • 1973- 1975: Legal preparatory service, civil servant (untenured) in Lower Saxony
  • 1973- 1974: Research assistant at the Institute for Tax Law of the University of Münster, Chair Prof Dr Friedrich Klein
  • 1968 – 1972: Law studies at the University of Münster
  • 1968: College preparatory examination at the Gymnasium Georgianum in Lingen (Ems)
  • German
  • English
  • Building Code for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia: A Commentary, together with Dr Gerhard Boeddinghaus / Dr Dittmar Hahn/ Dr Marita Radeisen/Niklas Schulte, loose-leaf, March 2018, Verlag Rehm, Munich, ISBN 978-3-8073-0672-8. (Link to the shop:
  • The new Building Code in North Rhine-Westphalia: A manual, together with Dr Dittmar Hahn, Dr Marita Radeisen, Niklas Schulte, Florian van Schewick, 3rd edition 2017, ISBN 978-3-8073-0363-5. (Link to the shop:
  • Article: “Building law requirements for analogue and digital construction site signs” in: Zeitschrift für das öffentliche und zivile Baurecht (BauR), Issue 8 2017, pp. 1281 – 1293, together with Niklas Schulte.
  • “Building law of the Heuerhäuser in transformation”, in: Robben/Skibicki/Lensing/Strodt, Heuerhäuser im Wandel – Vom Armenlichen Kotten zum individuelle Traumhaus, 2017, pp. 133 – 135, ISBN 978-3-9818393-2-6.
  • “Editorial, attention: Ruins – danger outdoors”, BauR 2016, Issue 1.
  • Compact Commentary on the NRW Building Code – “Building Agency Practice”, online application, Verlagsgruppe Hüthig-Jehle-Rehm, Munich, 2014, ISBN 978-3-8073-0364-2. (Link to the shop:
  • “Urban development concept for the control of intensive livestock farming, the ‘Lingen Model’”, together with Hermann Gördes, BauR 2011, pp. 924-932.
  • Retail: “Quo vadis? Possibilities and limitations of planning instruments for the siting or prevention of retail projects”, together with Ulrich Maidowski, BauR 2009, pp. 1380-1387.
  • “Solar systems and historical landmark protection”, NWVBl. 2008, pp. 1-7.
  • “Distances and buffer spaces in the interface between federal and state law – The new § 6 of the NRW Building Code and its references to building planning law”, BauR, 2007, pp. 1514-1527.
  • Editorial, World champion in the law governing (building) relations between neighbor? BauR 2006, p. 893.
  • Handbook on zoning law. The zoning law of all federal states, Reichel/Schulte (eds.), Verlag C.H. Beck, Munich 2004, ISBN 978-3-406-50443-3. (Link to the shop:
  • “The reform of zoning law in Germany – advantages and shortcomings”, Deutsches Verwaltungsblatt (DVBl.) 2004, pp. 925-931.
  • “Advantages and shortcomings of the zoning reform”, in: Dokumentation zum 14. Deutscher Verwaltungsrichtertag 2004, Verein Deutscher Verwaltungsgerichtstag, Stuttgart, etc. 2004, pp. 95-112.
  • The new Building Code in North Rhine-Westphalia: A manual, 2nd revised and expanded edition, Rehm, Munich 2000, 525 p., ISBN 3-8073-1669-8.
  • The public law governing building relations between neighbors, together with Dittmar Hahn, Verlag Jehle-Rehm, Munich 1998, 204 pages, ISBN 3-8073-1482-2.
  • “Lean state: Privatisation of construction supervision through the commissioning of civil engineers and architects as state-approved experts”, BauR 1998, pp. 249-265.
  • “Building permit exemption for residential buildings in breach of federal law through state building codes?” Eildienst Städtetag Nordrhein-Westfalen (EildStNW) 1995, pp. 85-95 = BauR, 1995, pp. 174-185.
  • “Law and limits of outdoor advertising – Fundamental rights guarantee and administrative legal protection”, BauR 1993, pp. 139-149.
  • Terms of administrative law: Building land cases, building land courts. Landes- und Kommunalverwaltung (LKV) 1992, p. 233.
  • Legal asset, in: Historical dictionary of philosophy. Vol. 8, Basel and Darmstadt 1992, pp. 278-280.
  • “Origin, development and function of the concept of a legal asset”, in: (Rechts-)Philosophie und Rechtsdogmatik, Archiv für Begriffsgeschichte, 1992, pp. 25-38.
  • “Fundamental guarantee of the law of outdoor advertising, its constitutional limits and administrative legal protection”, in: Werbung und Baurecht, Edition ZAW, Bonn 1992, pp. 33-68.
  • “Distribution problems in a community of need only partially entitled to social assistance”, Zeitschrift für Sozialhilfe und Sozialgesetzbuch (ZfSH/SGB), 1990, pp. 471-477.
  • The Federal Council: The development of the federal constitutional body under state law, together with Dieter Wilke, Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft Darmstadt 1990, 489 p., Wege der Forschung, Volume 507, ISBN 3-534-10183-9.
  • Protection of legal assets through zoning law, Duncker u. Humblot, Berlin 1982, 244 p, Writings on public law: Vol. 404. ISBN 3-428-05059-2. Also legal dissertation at the Free University of Berlin 1982.
  • The term ‘legal asset’ and public law: preparatory work towards secure use of the term, Frankfurt/M., Bern, Cirencester/U.K., 1980, 222 p. European theses: Series 2, Law. Vol. 256. ISBN 3-8204-6091-8.
  • “The ‘Energy Pole’ Lingen as an example of successful decentralised concentration – state and municipal economic development in theory and practice – Part II”, Der Landkreis, 1979, pp. 239-243.
  • “Industrial siting in the growth-oriented centre – state and municipal economic development in theory and practice – Part I”, Der Landkreis, 1979, pp. 234-238, together with Karl-Heinz Brümmer.
  • “Project group: Municipal administrative practice at the Free University of Berlin”, Juristenzeitung (JZ) 1979, pp. 337-340.
  • “The right of members of the German Federal Council to speak in the Federal Parliament: Cases from state practice”, Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen (ZParl.), 1977, pp. 413-421, together with Dieter Wilke.
  • “The German Federal Parliament as a form of the Federal Council”, together with Dieter Wilke, remarks on the right to speak under Article 43(2) of the Basic Law, in: Gedächtnisschrift für Friedrich Klein, edited by Dieter Wilke and Harald Weber, Verlag Franz Vahlen, Munich 1977, pp. 574-612.
  • Since 1995: Numerous regular lectures, in particular on public building law at the Volksheimstättenwerk, the German Lawyers Academy and the German Administrative Judges’ Conference (2004)
  • 2006 to 2008: Lecturer at the University of Osnabrück
  • 1985 to 1991: Lecturer at the University of Osnabrück
  • 1977 to 1978: Lecturer at the FU Berlin

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